
Fed up with going through piles of clutter to find your Christmas decorations? Risking life and limb to get to those boxes you stuffed in the attic last year? Or perhaps you’ve just not got enough room to stash all those presents and festive goodies? Access4Lofts has the answer!

Yes, it’s that time again already! Christmas is creeping up on us, and it will soon be time to start thinking about digging out the decorations. If you’re anything like the rest of us, you probably put everything into a couple of boxes at the end of last year and haven’t thought about them since.
Pulling them out of storage and getting them ready for another year will no doubt be another mix of pleasure and chore: both rediscovering some old favourites and sorting out the usual mess of the fairy lights (how do they always get so tangled anyway?!?), but just how easy are those boxes to get to? And how much clutter is getting in the way?

Lofts can be a real gold mine of fantastic storage potential, not only for Christmas, but all year round. However, they are only going to so much use to you if you can get in and out of them safely, especially if you need to lift heavy objects up and down. We’re not talking about climbing up on that wobbly, old kitchen chair and hoping for the best.. we’re talking about properly safe ladders and hatches that aren’t going to be putting you in risk of spending Christmas with a sprained ankle, or worse.

After all, who’s going to polish off that last tin of Quality Street if you’re down in A&E? No matter how much you love those baubles and tinsel, it’s just not worth the risk.
Here at Access4Lofts, we specialise in installing loft ladders and hatches which can help you make the most of your loft and safely access that extra storage you so desperately need. We have a number of options to suit any space, no matter how small, and can even offer some shelving options too. You’d be surprised at just how much room there is up there, and you’ll be even more surprised at just how quick, easy and affordable it can be, too.

This could also be a fantastic opportunity to think about some better insulation. A properly insulated roof can knock as much as 20% of your energy bills, so you and your family can be sure to keep cozy and warm this winter without worrying about those bills come spring. Once the decorations are all put away again, this could also be a great chance to free up some room in the rest of the house, too.

After all, why suffer with clutter when there’s perfectly good storage space in your attic or garage that’s just waiting to be used? Let us make it safe and easy for you this Christmas. Contact us now to book a free survey and quotation and enjoy peace of mind along with your festive cheer.