
Making your home warmer and greener has never been more important. With Access4Lofts, it’s never been easier or more affordable either!

Climate change has never been a hotter topic than it is right now and it’s clear that everyone needs to do their part in the years to come. We all know about how flying and driving less how can help reduce our impact on the environment, but you might be surprised to learn that one solution is right under your nose – or rather, right over your head!

According to the Energy Saving Trust, as much as 25% of the heat in your home is lost through your loft or roof space. It could even be as high as on third or more in some properties – that’s heating and energy you’re paying for, literally flying straight out of the space in your loft.  Not only does that mean you’re getting bigger bills than you should be, you’re also contributing much more than you need to towards greenhouse gases and your carbon footprint.

It’s a major problem for a lot of homes around the UK, but fortunately it is also one with an easy solution – having the right insulation installed.

While Access4Lofts specialises in supplying and installing loft ladders, hatches and boarding, we also offer loft insulation that could reduce this heat loss by as much as 20%. That’s going to mean not just a significant saving on your energy bills, but also a big step in the right direction when it comes to your household’s impact on climate change.

Access4Lofts is fully committed to providing you with loft insulation that is not only practical and affordable, but also meets the very highest environmental standards. All insulation installs comply with the National Insulation Association (NIA) recommended standard depths of insulation. And there’s no need to worry about how this might affect your loft access either. For example, you will still be able to use your loft for storage once it has been insulated because our expert techniques can ensure any storage solution is fitted above your loft insulation.

So, no need to always be watching that thermostat and battling with your eco-conscience as temperatures drop. With the right loft insulation, you can go green without going mean. You and your family can be sure to keep cozy and warm this winter, and for many winters to come, without worrying about it costing the Earth – in every sense of the phrase!

So, how much does insulating your loft cost?

It could be cheaper than you think! Not only that, but it’s an investment too. You’ll more than make that money back in what you save on your bills. While exact costs obviously vary from house to house, the typical price for insulating your loft in a detached house is around £395, and you can expect annual savings of around £225 on your heating bills.

That’s not just for one year, either – that’s year on year for the lifetime of the product, all the while you’ll be doing your bit for climate change by using less fuel – and all without compromising on a warm and happy home.

Interested in finding out more about how loft insulation could work in your home? Find a local installer in your area, or call now for a FREE quotation on 0800 909 8967 or fill in our ‘request a quote’ form and we will contact you.