
NOW: Day 5: Putting It Into Practice

Today you need to muster your energy, channel your creative flow, gather your clear storage boxes, arm yourself with label stickers and marker pens, as well as other organising tools you may have purchased, and get right into it.

NOW: Day 4: Retail Therapy

Today is a really fun day, today is the day you purchase the storage equipment. Your remaining items should now only be piles of things you want to keep, sentimental items you’re keeping and those that you are not sure about. Now is the time to get buying storage boxes as you have a rough […]

NOW: Day 3: Learning To Let Go

Your attic probably looks worse than before you started with piles everywhere, but fear not, it means that you’re on the right track and that there is no turning back now – don’t give up. Today you will go through the ‘Not Keeping’ pile that you created yesterday and make them into smaller piles of […]

NOW: Day 2: Organisation With A Bang

Remember, remember on the 5th of November, not to wear slippers or flip flops to climb the ladder to complete todays task. It won’t end well at all. The only bangs we should be hearing today are fireworks, not you falling off the ladder. As we said yesterday, safety first, so please dress practically and do […]

NOW: Day 1: Surveying The Situation

During this National Organising Week you will be going up into the loft so first of all you will need to make sure it is safe to do so. For safe access into your loft, ensure that you have a sturdy ladder and ideally someone holding the ladder for you. Of course, the safest option would […]

Tips For Tidying Your Loft

Here at Access4Lofts, we love a tidy loft space. We would love to help the entire nation to clear and clean that forgotten space which sits above us in our homes. To help you organise your loft, we’ve created these tips for tidying your loft.

Access4Lofts Blackpool Wins The Which? Trusted Trader of the Month Award

We’re pleased to announce that Josh Norgate, Access4Lofts Blackpool has won the Which? Trusted Trader of the Month Award for November 2019, this comes just a month after he was presented with a ‘Certificate of Distinction’ from Which? It was his focus on customer service that made his application stand out from the crowd.